Inside a Mumbai police station, everyone is a character, and the city a story. – Indian Express
When I read this recent article, it sure made me think of the efforts put by Mumbai Police and how easily we civilians tend to write them off based on their appearance and looks.
Appearance plays a pivotal role in forming image of a person – positive or negative. Much has been written and said about corporate image but not much importance is given to the people who are vigilant 24 x 7 for our safety i.e. Mumbai Police. Being a Mumbaikar, I can vouch for our Mumbai Police, who works for our city. I can confidently say this by their responsiveness on Twitter when any compliant is put up. This speaks volume of their service. It is time for Mumbai Police to bring change in their appearance which will change their image in front of civilians.
As New Police Commissioner of Mumbai, Mr. Subodh Jaiswal takes over, he is in favour of improving the image of police department.
In his interview, he emphasizes few dos and donts for Police officers which are a small step towards change.
Uniform should be clean and neatly ironed.
Shoes should be clean and polished.
Cap should be in good shape.
No red Tikka on the forehead.
No Religious threads on wrist and in neck.
No torn uniform.
Below things has to be appropriate in any situation
Name Plate on uniform
Hair Style
These things are very basic but very important to create positive image in the minds of public.